Friday, October 26, 2007

Dialoog EMEA meditsiinioega (kaisin gripivaktsiini sustimas)

Ode: How are you?
Mina: I'm good thanks. You?
Ode: Are you pregnant or ill?
Mina: No, not that I know.
Ode: You look like you are.
Mina: Pregnant or ill?
Ode: ill
Mina: I’m just tired, had late night.
Ode: Oh ok. Where are you from?
Mina: Estonia.
Ode: I have been there, so boring. You guys have nothing there, only a square in the middle of the city and rest is like leftovers from Russia. You know the eastern block, nothing there.
Mina: oh, ok
Ode: You know, you can’t compare London to Tallinn. Can you?
Mina: Why would you?

Siis onneks pani see jobu mulle suraka ara ja sai tulema.

Poleks ma nii unine olnud nagu ma olin oleks talle midagi teravat oelnud.

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